No one is going to read this; at least that is what I think. 21st century grandchildren look at 21st grandparents as old, backwards and less evolved. This is the real danger of the evolution dialogue in schools. Our grandparents, greatgrandparents, old authors, ancient heroes and artists are merely beasts compared to the high-tech, self-actualized child of the 21st century.
Technologies of old may still work but they won't produce the child of the common conversation. The child who demands peace without being demanding, who courageously cleans the earth without being courageous.
To sustain the evolution conversation it is required that the youngest living generation dehumanize the oldest living generation. They must disregard former meanings so as to laud current meaning. They must brutalize history to paint their history as gentle. This view dismisses brutality that they won't see such as abortion, depression caused by an existential vacuum and other forms of invisible suffering and focuses on visible sufferings such as tobacco use, bottled water and team cooperation.
free at last {not what you think}
7 years ago